On Fri, Jun 06, 2014 at 09:25:46AM +0100, Ian Campbell wrote:
> On Wed, 2014-06-04 at 00:00 +0800, Daniel Veillard wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 03:16:49PM +0100, George Dunlap wrote:
> > > Ian / Ian,
> > > 
> > > Daniel V. was lurking on a recent CentOS Virt SIG IRC meetings, and asked
> > > about testing the libvirt git repo against libxl.  I mentioned that we
> > > already had some basic tests to do that, and he asked whether it would 
> > > make
> > > sense to have the push gate e-mail the libvirt list.
> > > 
> > > I have no idea how the libvirt people feel about that, so I'll let DV make
> > > his case, and also let he Ians give their opinions.
> > 
> >   Actually Dan Berrange should be included. I think the nicest would
> > be a private ping and the information available online,
> Why private and not to the libvir list?

  Well the point is that the libvir-list is already high traffic
and avoiding automated mails to it would help. Also the compile
box doesn't send mail directly to the list in case of breakage either,
so that would be coherent.

> The information is available online via the test report (which don't
> stay around forever, but for weeks at least).
> I'm happy to do whatever you guys would prefer, just let me know.

  Do you have a pointer to where the test reports sit, that would be
helpful as a first step :-)


Daniel Veillard      | Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
veill...@redhat.com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/

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