Dominique wrote:

Having this configuration in the xml it worked:

  <channel type='unix'>
      <source mode='bind'
      <target type='virtio' name='org.qemu.guest_agent.0'/>
      <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='2'/>

The file exists now:

srwxrwxr-x 1 root root 0 Dec  3 14:15

I had to add the directories channel and target. VM is starting fine,
snapshot is possible.
But still some slight problems:

virsh # snapshot-create-as --domain sles11 --name sn_sles11 --atomic
--disk-only --live --quiesce
error: Operation not supported: live snapshot creation is supported only
with external checkpoints

I thought --disk-only would create external snapshots ?

virsh # snapshot-create-as --domain sles11 --name sn_sles11 --atomic
--disk-only --live --quiesce --diskspec vdb,snapshot=external
error: Operation not supported: live snapshot creation is supported only
with external checkpoints

Hm. Specifying external explicitely also does not help.

virsh # snapshot-create-as --domain sles11 --name sn_sles11 --atomic
--disk-only --quiesce --diskspec
Domain snapshot sn_sles11 created

Omitting --live is the key. But I thought I need it because i'm
snapshotting a running vm ?

> > I forgot: I'm still running libvirt 1.2.5. Do I need to update also
> > for this problem ?
> I don't think so... Until you want to use active block commit, your good
> with 1.2.5
I still have 1.2.5.

I tried to blockcommit:

virsh # blockcommit sles11 vdb --path
/var/lib/kvm/images/sles11/sn_disk0.qcow2 --wait --verbose --delete
error: option --path already seen

what does that mean ?

virsh # blockcommit sles11 --path
/var/lib/kvm/images/sles11/sn_disk0.qcow2 --wait --verbose --delete
error: unsupported flags (0x2) in function qemuDomainBlockCommit

virsh # blockcommit sles11 --path
/var/lib/kvm/images/sles11/sn_disk0.qcow2 --wait --verbose
error: Operation not supported: committing the active layer not supported

Ok. Omitting --delete removes one error, but now I have another one.  What
means "not supported yet" ? Does that mean I have a software which offers
blockcommit in the help,
but it is not completely implemented ?

virsh # blockcommit sles11 --path /var/lib/kvm/images/sles11/sn_disk0.raw
--wait --verbose
error: invalid argument: No device found for specified path

Which path do I have to provide ? The one to the base or the one to the
snapshot ? I tried both, but not working.

Do I have all these problems because I'm using 1.2.5 ? That's the official
version of libvirt which is included by SuSE for SLES 11 SP4. But it's
lacking functionality which is offered in the help ?
Oh my god.



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