Am 26.07.16 um 10:25 schrieb Prof. Dr. Michael Schefczyk:
> Dear All,
> using CentOS 7.2.1511, and libvirt from ovirt repositories (currently 
> 1.2.17-13.el7_2.5, but without otherwise using ovirt) I am regularly backing 
> up my VMs which are on qcow2 files. In general, I am trying to follow 
> A typical backup script would be 
> #!/bin/bash
> dt=`date +%y%m%d`
> if virsh dominfo dockers10a | grep -q -E '^Status: *laufend|^State: *running'
> then
> virsh snapshot-create-as --domain dockers10a dockers10a --diskspec 
> vda,file=/home/dockers10asnap.qcow2 --disk-only --no-metadata --atomic
> cp /kvm01/dockers10a.qcow2 /backup/dockers10a$dt.qcow2
> virsh blockcommit dockers10a vda --active --verbose --pivot
> virsh snapshot-delete dockers10a dockers10a
> rm /home/dockers10asnap.qcow2
> fi
> I am fully aware that the third line from the end "virsh snapshot-delete ..." 
> will fail under regular circumstances. It is just there as a precaution to 
> delete unnecessary snapshots should a previous backup have failed.
> For some time, I am noticing that from time to time backup fails in the way 
> that the xml definition file of the VM backed up keeps the temporary file (in 
> the example above /home/dockers10asnap.qcow2) as the source file. Then, at 
> least upon rebooting the host, it will be unable to restart the VM. In 
> addition, lots of other troubles can arise (following backups failing, 
> storage issues).
> I am using a similar setup on four hosts. It seems that the better the 
> resources of the host are, the lower the likelihood of the problem occurring 
> - but that cannot be an acceptable state.
> Can someone please point me to how to avoid this?

Here is what i do. I check the VM if it is running from a snapshot first.

if [[ $(virsh domblklist vmmachinename)  = *weekly* ]]; then
  echo "Found activ snapshot vmmachinename" | mail -s "Found activ snapshot 
vmmachinename" emailaddress



> Regards,
> Michael Schefczyk
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