Hi Guys,

what can, is, wrong with that syntax of mine below?

$ virt-install -n fcoskubermaster1 --virt-type kvm
--os-variant fedora31 --graphics="none" --memory $((4*1024))
--network network=ovsbr0,model=virtio --accelerate --cpuset
3 --cpu host-model --vcpus 3 --import
WARNING  fcoskubermaster1 may not be accessible by the
hypervisor. You will need to grant the 'qemu' user search
permissions for the following directories: ['']

Starting install...
ERROR    Couldn't create storage volume 'fcoskubermaster1':
'this function is not supported by the connection driver:
storage pool does not support volume creation'
Domain installation does not appear to have been successful.
If it was, you can restart your domain by running:
  virsh --connect
start fcoskubermaster1
otherwise, please restart your installation.

Basically what I hope to do is to have backing image and the
actual one on a glusterfs volume, backing store in
/00-BACKing and the image in / off that same gluster-VMs volume.

many thanks, L.

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