Hello again,


So I have been struggling to compile the libvirt newest version  7.8.0.  I
am running CentOS 8 and during the meson build process I am getting non stop
dependency fails.  I keep installing the necessary packages and slowly
progressing.  Now the last one that stopped was gnutls.  When I go to
install that package   via  yum install gnutls -y it says that it is already
complete and installed.   Sigh...


I am very surprised that there is no package for libvirt via rpm,yum etc.
the lastest one installed via yum was 6.0.0.


Can someone help by pointing to some where that has these latest packages?
Or how best to compile this from source.  It is amazing how much is missing
from this distro.


Thanks again.



From: ad...@foundryserver.com <ad...@foundryserver.com> 
Sent: October 23, 2021 12:54 PM
To: 'libvirt-users@redhat.com' <libvirt-users@redhat.com>
Subject: apt libvirt package




I am new to kvm/qemu/libvirt.  I am loving it.  I am working on setting my
first vm with shared file system with virtio-fs.  I got an error, and google
foo said, my version was too old.  When I checked it said.


libvirt version: 6.0.0, package: 0ubuntu8.14 (Matthew Ruffell
matthew.ruff...@canonical.com <mailto:matthew.ruff...@canonical.com>  Tue,
14 Sep 2021 14:00:49 +1200)


I used apt package manager to install libvirt. I am running on ubuntu 20.04.
I have tried apt update libvirt and I get..no updates available.  What do I
do at this point?  Do I have to build it from source?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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