"Doug Monroe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Rob Dixon wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > Could somebody tell me which URL should be used in
> > the Referer header when a link is followed from a
> > document which is the result of one or more redirections?
> > Is it the original document that was requested or the final
> > one which comes with a success status code? Also, is there
> > any part of LWP which will enter the correct header value
> > for me?
> referer should be the step-before-last

Not clear what you're meaning here Doug. surely not the URL of
the last-but-one HTML document?

> from past lwp list thread of Thu, 14 Mar 2002
> > TIP#4
> > Sometimes you -need- to pass HTTP_REFERER data, e.g.:
> >   $request->referer('http://www.example.com/logon.html');
> >
> > TIP#5
> > # use as needed to show/debug header info
> > use LWP::Debug qw(+);
> >
> > TIP#6
> > Sometimes you need to follow redirects:
> > # use as needed to allow LWP to follow redirects
> > BEGIN { *LWP::UserAgent::redirect_ok = sub { 1 } }

Another, off-topic, concern here. Adding POST to the
list of redirectable either as above or with:

    push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, 'POST';

results in a POST request to the new URL in the Location
header. Browsers I've come across use a GET in this
situation. Any comment Gisle?



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