As this modules seems to be based on libwww so I'll ask here.

I'm having a devil of a time with this module.  It works once (for one 
template) in a script but using it the same way for a different template 
in the same script gets me nothing but

When I try to print (output) it.

Here is the code I'm using for both (with a different template file).

    my $sut = new HTML::DynamicTemplate ('./templates/signup.tmpl')\
    print header(),
#    print $sut->render; # doesn't work on the second template.
    print $sut;

The header() call is from which I am using since I'm more familiar
with it and was the only way I could get the correct output of the HTML
from the template.  (DynamicTemplate was striping the <html> tags out of
the template file.)  Kludge for sure.

   For now I'm not using the variable substitutions, just presenting a
form to be filled out and the second template is set for variable
substitution but I'm not doing that with the render call.  I just want to
see the template with variable names. (What is the correct way to output
the rendered template?)

        print $sut->render();

just gives me the above HASH reference.

This is only version 0.95 on a Win32 system using Activestate's perl 5.8 
build(?) 804.

Any ideas or clues?

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