> -----Original Message-----
> What do you think it should do exactly?

I would say... redirect!

At least, since the RFC (2616, see section 6.1.1, last paragraph) says that
all unknown status codes are to be handled by the base code (ie 320 => 300),
then those unknown 3XX codes should redirect. Code 300 can be auto-handled
by grabbing the Location header field.
> I don't really feel like doing anything with them, but can probably be
> convinced by a real use case.

Really, it could be said that those cases should be handled by the client,
not the lib (which I'm not opposed to, either). I'm just wondering what your
take is on the subject.

I feel like I'm being a little bit of a nit-picker, and I don't mean to be.
I just want my client app to "do the right thing" and sometimes wonder if
these things should be merged into the lib (or if they're "the right thing"
at all!).

> I could have been too busy to reply at that time.

No problem - I totally understand! =)



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