On Sun, 7 Dec 2003 23:06:42 +0530 "Ejain.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please if any one has the idea of how to install packege mime-tools ,
> unicode-map , unicode-string without using 'ppm' please tell me

You may mean Unicode-Map8.

> I am a windows xp user.  I have tried to store in folder
> d:\perl\bin\site\lib\unicode\ files map.pm and string.pm but this does
> not works.

Of course not.   Both modules have C components in the *.xs files, just
copying the *.pm files will not work.

> I am frustrated I have asked the questions from many but same no
> sollution.

If you read the README files in each package you will find instructions.

MIME-tools doesn't appear to require a C compiler, but the others
definitely do.  If you are using ActivePerl, you will need MSVC 5 or 6 (I
think).  Use nmake.exe in place of make.

Mac :})
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