Good day, all. I currently have some code that use HTTP::Daemon and in one script: the HTTP::Daemon portion listens for requests, and sends relevant GET or POST information off to, where it's used throughout the whole program, non-OOP. The shell is something like this:

  my $connection = $daemon->accept;
  my $request = $connection->get_request;
  next unless defined $request;

my $form_parameters;

  if ( $request->uri =~ /\?/ ) {
     $form_parameters = $request->uri;
     $form_parameters =~ s/[^\?]+\?(.*)/$1/;
  } else { $form_parameters = $request->content; }
  $CGI::Q = new CGI($form_parameters);

This seemed to work fine, giving me the ability to access POST and GETs via params() in my templates or other bits of code. However, I now have a need to use a multipart/form-data with a file upload. The crux of this email is: it doesn't work. No parameters seem to be found - almost acting as if a POST was never sent in the first place. The minute I take away the multipart/form-data, everything works again.

I *believe* this is due to the following lines of

  if ($meth eq 'POST'
      && defined($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'})
      && $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}=~m|^multipart/form-data|
      && !defined($initializer)
      ) {
       my($boundary) = $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?/;
       last METHOD;

specifically, the CONTENT_TYPE. In testing with Apache, no CONTENT_TYPE is defined during normal POST or GET operations, but the minute Mozilla sends Apache a multipart/form-data, one springs into existence (one line):


Since I haven't explicitly told my HTTP::Daemon code (above) to create a CONTENT_TYPE variable, doesn't create the multipart parameters as it should (this, of course, is only my interpretation).

This seems to be the case when I issue a Data::Dumper on Vars (snip), and I see the boundary data as part of the output. The boundary data should never have been there (since it would have been processed via the regexp and read_multipart from the above snippet):

  VAR1 = { '-----------------------------34303110730191
           Content-Disposition: form-data' => '',
           ' name' => '"Submitter" -----------------------------
           34303110730191 Content-Disposition: form-data

etc. etc.

So, I've one question, really: how do I accurately create CONTENT_TYPE for's use? If I $request->content, I'll get the POST data, with the boundary data for each parameter submitted, but due to idiocy, I've yet to properly yank out that data, combine it with ->content_type, and set ENV:

      my $boundary = $request->content;
        <!-- ENTER MAGICK HERE -->
      my $final = $request->content_type . "; boundary=$boundary";
      $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} = $final;

Is there a proper way to do this? Is this even the correct solution to my problem (multiparts don't work)? A cursory glance into some of the MIME modules didn't show an immediately obvious ->boundary getter.

Thanks for any thoughts or comments.

-- Morbus Iff ( i put the demon back in codemonkey ) Culture: and Spidering Hacks: icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / morbus

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