
i have a problem while trying to build a spider using perl threads.
Consider the program below which is just an example to get going.
i wish to hit a certain site's frontpage for any number of times (for
example 300)
i imagine that since theres a lot of content on the page each request
will take some time to process, and therefore i imagine it would be nice
to delegate the tasks using threads.
my problem is in this very naive example that the unthreaded version is
much faster.

two questions:
1) is there something wrong with the threaded code ?
2) does anyone have a working example of a spider using threads ?



use strict; use LWP; use threads; use threads::shared; use LWP::RobotUA; use URI;

my $MAX = 300;
my %store : shared;
my $robot;
my $count;
my $thr;

my $start = time();

my $url ="http://somewhere.com";;
my $THREADS = 0;


# if we have an argument use the  unthreaded version
if ($ARGV[0]) {
} else {
    $THREADS = 1;

my $end = time();
my $elapsed = $end - $start;
print "This took $elapsed seconds\n";

sub init_robot {
    $robot = LWP::RobotUA->new("myname", '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' );
    my $delay = 1/6000;

sub main_loop {
    while($count < $MAX) {
        $thr = threads->new(\&lwp);

sub main_loop2 {
    while($count < $MAX) {

sub lwp {
    my $response = $robot->get( $url );
    my $content = $response->content;
    lock(%store) if $THREADS;
    if ($content =~ m,<title>([^<>]+)</title>,i) {
        $store{$count} = $1;
    return $count;

sub print_hash {
    foreach my $key (keys %store) {
        print "$key --> $store{$key}\n";

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