On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, JUANMARCOSMOREN wrote:
> > >Aleksandr Guidrevitch wrote:
> > >>We've found that LWP incorrectly handles cookies
> > >>containing ';' in the cookie value.
> > >>The patch (test case and fix) is attached
> So, why do you want ';' in cookies if they are not handled
> correctly by the most used HTTP implementations (MSIE and Mozilla)?


> > According RFC in **quoted** string you can put almost anything.
> > See http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/rfc/rfc2109.html for
> > definition of cookie:
> People don't care much about the HTTP RFC what people really want is to
> be compatible with MSIE and Mozilla.

The algorithm in browsers has apparently always been pretty much 'split on
';'', so right again.


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