My mail reader (Gnus) mangled the MIME on this message, so you might
not have seen the initial text which was:

| RFC 2616 section 14.14 states:
| |   The value of Content-Location also defines the base URI for the
| |   entity.
| and this is what libwww-perl implements for the $response->base
| attribute.  Apparently, the "normal" browsers do not.  Anybody know
| why not?  Should we change LWP to ignore Content-Location when
| calculating base?

Since sending this message I've found a web page[1] that claims:

| Neither IE 6 SP1 nor Mozilla 1.6 Beta support the Content-Location:
| header, mainly because Microsoft web servers are so buggy that
| respecting the Content-Location: header would cause about 10% of
| IIS-powered sites to break horribly.

Jigsaw's test page[2] that claims that Opera 7.0 and Mozilla 1.7 does
support Content-Location as base.  If modern browsers actually do
start implementing this, it might not be such a good idea to remove
the support from LWP.



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