Hello There,

Myself Sonika , i am currently working on a project
involving cgi script where i am working on a proxy
server.The problem is i am not able to access a
on the internet server.

i have done the following coding

my %parm=(
url=>'http://site where cgi to access db is stored',
browser=>'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US;
rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113',

my %proxy=(
host=>'http://ip address of my machine/',
id=>'user name to access my proxy server',
pass=>'password to access my proxy server',

my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;


$ua->proxy(http=>"$proxy{host}") if (defined

$parm{url}=new URI::URL($parm{url});

my $req=new HTTP::Request "GET" => ($parm{url});
$proxy{pass}) if (defined $proxy{id});

my $res=>$ua->requset($req);

if ($res -> is_success)
 my $rescount= $res->content;
 print "\n Success";

 print "\n No Success yet";

well when i am executing the code i am getting 'no
Success yet' error message instead of expected
'Success'.Can you kindly look in the code where have i
done mistake,

i ll be grateful to you!

Thank you

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