
Couln't you help me to figure out  how to pass query string and post file
content in the same request.

POST /forum/post_add.php?topic_id=20&subject=Blah&file_attach=attach
where POST will contain uploaded file body.

I am basically trying to inject MegaUpload progress bar written in Perl into
my PHP project.
So I pass my arguments from php script to perl script which handles progress
bar. When finished I need to post file content to php script (to move it
from temporary location) and also pass other parameters I need (topic_id,
session_id, subject, message etc )

Thank you,


"Gisle Aas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "petersm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Gisle Aas wrote,
> > > "petersm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >
> > > > I am new to LWP and WWW::Mech and have used them on a couple of
> > > > projects. I was wondering what is the best way to do a multipart
> > > > post (file upload) using LWP.
> > >
> > > >From LWP you just do a post with something like:
> > >
> > >   $ua->post('http://www.example.com',
> > >             content_type => 'form-data',
> > >             content => [
> > >                foo => 1,
> > >                file => ["foo.txt"],
> > >             ]);
> > >
> > > More details available by reading the HTTP::Request::Common manpage.
> >
> > Thanks Gisle. Great work BTW. Ok, so if I understand this correctly, if
I want
> > to upload a file but I have the contents of that file in a scalar then I
> > do something like this...
> >
> > $ua->post('http://www.example.com',
> >     content_type => 'form-data',
> >     content => [
> >       foo => 1,
> >       file => [undef, '', $my_files_contents],
> >       ]);
> >
> > Is this correct? Thanks,
> About right.  You probably want to give it a name, i.e. replace the ''
> with something else.  If you construct the response with POST you
> might inspect it directly like this:
>     use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
>     print POST('http://www.example.com',
>                content_type => 'form-data',
>                content => [
>                   foo => 1,
>                   file => [undef, 'foo.txt', $my_files_contents],
>                ])->as_string;
> then tweak until you are happy.
> --Gisle

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