
I do not know if this should go to this list or the OpenSSL list.  It
sounds like a OpenSSL bug, but maybe someone can verify.

I was getting 500 read timeouts trying to download a 2MB file at around
1.5MB (downloading in chunks) with ActiveState Perl and Crypt::SSLeay
v0.51 compiled against OpenSSL v0.9.7c.

I then tried the same script on a Linux box and it worked fine.  I then
noticed I was using IO::Socket::SSL and Net::SSLeay rather than
Crypt::SSLeay on the Linux machine, so I uninstalled Crypt::SSLeay on
the windows machine and installed the ppm module Net::SSLeay v1.25.  It
still timed out.

So I installed Crypt::SSLeay on the Linux machine and it did not work.
After all this I noticed that I had both OpenSSL 0.9.6g and 0.9.7c.  The
Net::SSLeay was compiled against the 0.9.6g.  I installed a version
compiled against 0.9.7c and it failed on the download also.

Also downloads were working from the site just a couple of weeks ago,
and my Crypt::SSLeay install and OpenSSL were not updated or modified.
I suppose something could have changed with the server that is causing a
problem to show up in OpenSSL, but I don't know.

Any ideas?

Taylor Carpenter

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