i am seeing some strange behaviour in SSLeay:

   i have a pkcs12 file that is loaded without error by this small 

require Crypt::SSLeay;
use Data::Dumper;
$VERSION = '2.77';

sub _default_context
    require Crypt::SSLeay::MainContext;

my $ctx =  _default_context(23);
$ctx->use_pkcs12_file($file ,$pass) || die("failed to load $file: $!");

  but when i try to load the same file using LWP, i get
  one of two errors:

  A) 'configure certs failed: failed to load <filename>: Illegal seek'

  B) 'configure certs failed: Private key and certificate do not match'

  now the second error occurs when i add this line:

print STDERR Dumper($ctx),"\n$file\n",$ENV{'HTTPS_PKCS12_PASSWORD'},"\n\n";

  before the use_pkcs12_file() call in Net:SSL.

  any ideas what is going on?

-max chandler

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