
I was trying to run the script listed below and got some trouble... I have
the last version of Bioperl properly installed and working in my machine, but
that script asked me for IO/String.pm, I installed it then it asked me for
URI.pm (I downloaded it from Cpan then installed), then WWW/Search(libwww), then 
HTML/Parser... I had all those last 3 modules installed in my machine (runing Fedora 
Core 2 and  kernel 2.6), however the sxript does not work and I also do not get any 
error msg... any suggestions on how to fix this or even on hot to uninstall Perl 
modules installed by make/make install downloaded from the Cpan website ?

Thanks in advance for any help you may offer.

Cheers, Alberto
davila AT ioc.fiocruz.br

[EMAIL PROTECTED] script]$ more genbank.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use lib "/usr/local/bioperl14";
use Bio::SearchIO;
#use strict;
use Bio::DB::Query::GenBank;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::DB::GenBank;

my $organismname = $ARGV[0];
my $genbankfile = "GenBank."."$organismname";
&download ($organismname);

sub download {
my $query_string = $organismname."[Organism] AND ribosomal gene[title] OR 
mitochondrial gene[title] OR rDNA [title] OR rRNAgene[title]";
my $query = new Bio::DB::Query::GenBank(-db=>'nucleotide',
                                        -mindate => '1985',
                                        -maxdate => '2004');
my $count = $query->count;
my $seqio=new Bio::DB::GenBank->get_Stream_by_query($query);
#open a seqio handle for writing the outputfile in fasta
my $outfile = new Bio::SeqIO(-format=>'fasta',
 while (my $s = $seqio->next_seq) {
 #print $query_string, "\n";
 print $count, "\n";
#write the fasta

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