>>You make a good point about global variables, however I felt it was
>>overridden by the importance of usable error reporting.  The global $!
>>for error messages is rather ugly, but still any good beginner's Perl
>>tutorial recommends to always put $! in every error message.
>If a tutorial tells you to use a global variable then that's a bad

Seriously?  What do you use to report the failure of an open() call?

>>It looks like there is a niche for a library that makes it simple to
>>download URLs, but also makes it simple to do the right thing, which
>>in my opinion means always checking the success of each call and
>>giving an informative error message.
>As I said there's a "complicated" interface you should be using
>anyway, instead the crappy LWP::Simple.

I don't agree that LWP::Simple is crappy, I think it is a good library
except for the inability to do error reporting.

Anyway I am using the 'complicated' interface as you suggest.  The
modified LWP::Simple code is a thin wrapper around LWP to do what I
want - fetch a URL, and report success or failure.

I am not that keen on global variables, I would much prefer for an
interface to throw an exception on error.  This also makes a lot of
code simpler since you no longer have to explicitly check return
status - instead, you have to explicitly ignore or catch errors if you
want to do that.  The patch with the global $LWP::Simple::err was only
because I thought it stood a better chance of getting accepted that


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