I have been experiencing problems when I try to put binary data
via LWP.  The problem only manifests it self when I am making a
HTTPS request . I have hex coded the binary data for easy viewing.
the buffer that I pass to LWP does not have the utf8 flag on.

The data that I put is


The data the server gets is :


The c2..c3..c2......c3 etc makes me think :

Is this my data utf-8 encoded and truncated?

So I take the put data and encode it to utf8
e.g. $data=$encode("utf8",$data);


Sure enough it is.

I have followed the data all the way to the syswrite on line 292 of http.pm
(version # $Id: http.pm,v 1.70 2005/12/08 10:28:01 gisle Exp $)
and the data is not been encoded at this point. but the utf8 flag has changed.

at http.pm line 205 $req_buf has the utf8 flag on.
at http.pm line 233 $$content_ref does not have the utf8 flag.
the cancatenation at lin 234 gives $buf the utf8 flag.

this is the same behavior between http and https requests.
Finaly ethereal shows that the http data has not been encoded.
While I cannot look at the wire in the https case the data at the
other end has been utf8 encoded and truncated.
the truncation seems to be from the issue described in this thread

if I nix the utf8 flag the binary data does not get encoded and
every thing works.
e.g. (line 233 ...)

if ($req_buf) {
             Encode::_utf8_off($req_buf);# DMB
                my $buf = $req_buf . $$content_ref;
                $wbuf = \$buf;

I may be doing something wrong, but I think it is a bug somewhere
under syswrite
to encode the data that was not utf8 when it came from the user.
Any help would be appreciated, though for now I will continue to nix
the utf8 flag.


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