
Perhaps somebody has an idea how to solve this problem, if its solveable.

I get sometimes this message, after i am running my script:

# There is no form numbered 1 at SwissModel.pm line 26
# Died at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/WWW/Mechanize.pm line 1614, <GEN4194> 
line 1620.

The part of the code where the error occours. (if complete code is needed just 
ask for it)

  my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
  form_number => '1',
   fields => 
        sequence  => $seq,
        group => $temp

I have 3 subs in this way, which are executed one after the other.
The program dies always on an other sub, which are connecting to different 
pages. once my list was executed completely, but often it do not finish the 

best regards
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