On Sat, Sep 22, 2007 at 11:50:53PM +0200, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> * Bill Moseley wrote:
> >On Fri, Sep 21, 2007 at 12:49:26PM -0700, David Nesting wrote:
> >> For most uses of libwww, developers do little with character encoding.
> >> Indeed, for general-case use of LWP::Simple, they can't, because that
> >> information isn't even exposed.  Has any thought gone into doing this
> >> internally within libwww, so that when I fetch content, I get back text
> >> instead of octets?
> >
> >If you have the response object:
> >
> >    $response->decoded_content;
> That removes content encodings like gzip and deflate, but David is
> asking about character encodings like utf-8 and iso-8859-1. Content
> encodings are applied after character encodings.

sub decoded_content {

    $content_ref = \Encode::decode($charset, $$content_ref,
                                   Encode::FB_CROAK() | Encode::LEAVE_SRC());

Bill Moseley

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