On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Alex Malek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Gisle - Any idea when the next release will be made?

Actually, things are changing and I do expect to get things going
again soon.  For the last 1½ year I've only been doing
Python/Django/JavaScript work but the plan now is to reboot myself as
a Perl hacker and reclaim a spot in the Perl group at ActiveState.

Part of the reboot is to start using git instead of cvs at Sourceforge
to track LWP and my other modules.  The old CVS repos have now been
converted and I'm starting out using gitorious.org for hosting the
repos.  The hosting might change in the the future, but for now that's
the place to clone from if you want to hack on LWP using git[1].

I'll start working my way through the backlog of patches and RT bugs
now, but it will be some weeks until you see a release.


[1] see http://gitorious.org/search?q=category%3Alwp

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