On Sep 4, 2008, at 07:06, Russ Schnapp wrote:

I'm not sure whether you're still interested in this, but I think I've come across a bug in HTTP::Cookies. If you're not the right person for me to handle this, please let me know who is.

I'm the right one; but it's usually best to send requests like this to the libwww mailing list. Cc:-ed.

The problem is in add_cookie_header. If the cookie version is nonzero and the cookie contents include a non-alpha (\W) character, it escapes any quotes or slashes in the cookie value.

Why do you specify an nonzero version number without using the Set- Cookie2 header?

I'm thinking that the right fix for this might be to just force 'version=0' for any cookie set with 'Set-Cookie'. This patch achieve that:

--- a/lib/HTTP/Cookies.pm
+++ b/lib/HTTP/Cookies.pm
@@ -237,6 +237,9 @@ sub extract_cookies
+ elsif (!$first_param && lc($k) =~ /^(?:version| discard|ns-cookie)/) {
+                    # ignore
+                }
                else {
                    push(@cur, $k => $v);

The problem arises when the server has delivered a cookie value that is ENCLOSED in quotes, i.e.,
   Set-Cookie: member="whatever"; version=1; Path=/

When it comes time for add_cookie_header to do its thing, it generates
   Cookie: member="\"whatever\""; $Path="/"
   Cookie2: $Version="1"

I guess there are 2 bugs here:
1) The biggest problem is with the quoting. I think I've fixed this by inserting one line in Cookies.pm:

            # do we need to quote the value
            if ($val =~ /\W/ && $version) {
                $val =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;   ### RLS 9/3/08
                $val =~ s/([\\\"])/\\$1/g;
                $val = qq("$val");

2) The second problem is with the treatment of the Path and version fields. They appear to be treated as if they were cookie values. And yet they are transmitted with a prefix of "$". I REALLY don't understand what's going on here, and I'm not inclined to mess with it.

Read RFC 2965 if you want to understand the deal with $Path and $Version.


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