
I have a problem that my perl modules are not anymore downloading a large file from a https site. It worked with a previoius built, but since I update all modules via cpan it fails after downloading some parts.

I use the following code:

sub http_transfer {

   my ( $url, $file  ) = @_;

   die "Need url and dest_file as params" unless @_ > 1;

   # set the method:
   $method ||= "get";

   log_and_die("I need a URL!") unless ($url);

   # skip certification verification:
   my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 });
   my $response;

   if ( $method eq "get" ) {

       my $file_dir ||= dirname($file);
       unless ( -d $file_dir ) {
           make_path $file_dir ;

       # set content_file for output, and send the request:
       $response = $ua->get($url, ':content_file' => $file );

   if ( $response->is_error ) {
log_and_die( "[" . $response->status_line . "] error trying to $method $url.");
} # end sub _http_transfer

The platform I run on is Solaris 10 and perl , openssl is compiled with SUNWspro cc.

Any idea how to debug ? When I use truss I see my old perl modules just read until the end whereas the new modules for some reason get a read = 0 somewhere at the beginning of the file download.

Thank you

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