On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 11:40:43AM -0400, Mark Gardner wrote:
> Another suggestion: submit PRs to port these CPAN dists to use
> HTTP::CookieJar[::LWP] instead of HTTP::Cookies:
> https://metacpan.org/requires/distribution/HTTP-Cookies

Definitely!  I mentioned that in my talk last November and I intend to
work through some of the more popular modules listed.

However, some installations might rely on the bad behaviour.  We'll need
to think carefully before submitting patches.  Some years ago, LWP was
fixed to reject invalid SSL certificates when using https.  This made
environments more secure, but broke various people's working code

But yes, if anyone (including you and me) finds a module where moving
away from HTTP::Cookies makes sense, we should send a patch to make it
do so.


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