> In a perfect world I would get to work with all free software.  I
> don't want to work with code unless it's free. If I need code and
> the only code out there is available under Vendor X's license and I
> have the time and ability to reimplement that code and place it
> under the GPL, I will do it.

There is one gotcha in that.  The current Vendor X license may
prohibit you from using it (including its documentation and/or output)
to implement a competing version.  They could put such a stipulation
in a closed-source license.  It is a simple variation on an NDA.  If
Vendor X has something they consider unique enough, they may attempt
to protect their "ip" that way.  This does not appear to be this
vendor's motivation, since it sounds like they are actively
considering distributing their software in an open source form (and
hoping that their software will become the default in its niche).


Chris Clark                    Internet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.       CompuServe :  74252,1375
3 Proctor Street               voice      :  (508) 435-5016
Hopkinton, MA  01748  USA      fax        :  (508) 435-4847  (24 hours)
Web Site in Progress:          Web Site   :  http://world.std.com/~compres  

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