On Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 01:55:54PM +0100, Angelo Schneider wrote:
> Hi,
> I commented below.
> Bernard Lang wrote:
> > 
> > Cf. your ptoposal below ...
> > 
> > why not ... seems fair ... except it does not work
> > 
> > - how do you hendle sharing revenues between contributors ?
> By granting them shares.

Nice of you ... on what basis ... how do you evolve it when new
contributions come in ?

> > - how do you share responsibility for the software you are now selling ?
> By allocating "authorities".

on what basis ?

> > - it introcuces viscosity in the sytems,... more things to bother with
> > 
> >    and most people do not want to bother ...
> I thought that is what "commnity licenses" are about.

easy when there are no shares to manage ... else a pain

> > read the litterature on libre development... your scheme is just to
> > complex ... and too constraining ...
> > 
> > But since you object to free (gratis) contributions, I suggest you be
> > consistent and buy solaris or SCO.
> > 
> > Bernard
> > 
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Angelo Schneider           OOAD/UML           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Putlitzstr. 24         Patterns/FrameWorks       Fon: +49 721 9812465
> 76137 Karlsruhe             C++/JAVA             Fax: +49 721 9812467

[EMAIL PROTECTED]             ,_  /\o    \o/    Tel  +33 1 3963 5644
http://pauillac.inria.fr/~lang/  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  Fax  +33 1 3963 5469
            INRIA / B.P. 105 / 78153 Le Chesnay CEDEX / France
         Je n'exprime que mon opinion - I express only my opinion

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