on Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 11:45:11PM -0800, David Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Monday 13 November 2000 10:58 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > As I understand, the "Independent and separate" language refers to
> > programs which don't cross the link-layer boundary.  Though this is a
> > bit fuzzy in definition.  Whether you can get away with shipping, say,
> > binaries and object files, I'm not sure.  As seperate entities, shipped
> > separately, possibly.  Together, probably not.
> Is this "link-layer" boundary defined in copyright law? It certainly
> isn't in the GPL. RMS seems to draw his line there, but does he have
> any concrete reasons for drawing it there? (I'm sure he does, I just
> don't know what they are).

I'm told by a friend in the legal profession that there is some argument
over this issue among lawyers.  I've been trying to frame the argument,
not argue the conclusion, for why pgm + linked libs would be considered
derivative works of both program and libraries.

Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.                      http://www.zelerate.org
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