> From: John Cowan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Yes.  In the U.S. (and in practice everywhere), such a
> transfer must be in writing and signed by the
> developer.
        [DJW:]  The Free Software Foundations 
        assignment form, quoted recently,
        appears to be in the form of a contract.
        It includes a token payment to establish
        a "consideration".  *** IANAL ***

> No, the date that it was first fixed in a tangible
> medium such as paper, canvas, stone, or a hard disk.
> The date is not required, but makes the way of
> the infringer hard -- he cannot claim that he
> didn't know the work was still in copyright.
        I'd heard that it was the year of first publication;
        international copyright law gives only limited 
        protection to unpublished works.  *** IANAL ***

> -- 

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