On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, Matthew C. Weigel wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, Brian Behlendorf wrote:
> > Nope, read more closely at http://cr.yp.to/qmail/dist.html:
> >
> >   Exception: You are permitted to distribute a precompiled var-qmail
> >   package if [...list of conditions...]
> >
> > The OSD doesn't state that there could be no conditions.
> That's semantic pussy-footing.  The license must explicitly allow
> distribution, not explicitly disallow distribution except when certain
> conditions are met.  There is no room in 'grant permission to
> distribute' for 'do not grant permission to distribute.'

This is not "pussy-footing".  May I quote from the GPL?

5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
   signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
   distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
   prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
   modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
   Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
   all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the
   Program or works based on it.

You have to follow the conditions the GPL sets out in order to
redistribute modified source or binaries.  Neither the GPL nor DJB's
conditions listed in his "exceptions" violate the letter of the OSD.
DJB's might violate the spirit of the OSD, but again, that's my point -
OSD spirit != OSD letter.

> > I think that page describes sufficiently how to create binaries of
> > derivative works; it just doesn't allow source code releases of those
> > derivative works, except as pristine source + patches.  Kinda perverse
> > that the OSD has this preferential treatment for binaries over source
> > releases, IMHO...
> Kinda perverse that you so strongly insist on misreading the OSD.  It's
> simple; allow distribution of binaries for people who don't want to
> hack, and provide something that those who want to hack, can hack.
> While people on Unix systems tend to take compilers for granted, they
> are not automatically on every platform.  What would you do if every
> open source project that runs on Windows (including gcc) were only
> available in source form?

Let's be clear what I am arguing for: that allowing licenses that only
allow redistribution of modifications as "pristine source, plus patches"
is not copacetic to what I understand and believe in as the goals of and
positive qualities of Open Source.  I don't see the above situation w/r/t
binaries and source as copacetic to that; it allows for some pragmatic
modifications by distributors, but doesn't really allow the right to fork.

The sensitivity I come to with this is the fact that when I presented a
proposal here a few weeks ago regarding whether a copyright on a codebase
could be used to help enforce standards-compliance, even though no one
could cite a specific clause in the OSD that prevented it, people
despaired over what they felt was a violation of the spirit of the OSD -
that it would give the original copyright holder too much arbitrary power
over deciding whether a derivative work was conformant with a

I agreed with that sentiment, and let the company who I was asking on
behalf of it just wasn't possible; now most likely something which might
have been open sourced, won't be.  Unfortunately, that event didn't result
in a call for a clarification of the OSD to better map to that spirit
everyone was so passionate about.  Here is a similar situation, and I'm
surprised that people are now arguing the opposite case, that we should
accept vague language in the OSD that creates a poor situation in favor of
a copyright holder, and puts anyone who wants to fork at a significant
operational disadvantage.


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