On Wed, 24 October 2001, "Michael Beck" wrote:
> > I withdraw.
> That's a shame. I hope, you'll reconsider.

Your posts indicate you've done some legal research.
When you quote case history and legal terms, you appear
quite reasoned. 

But outside any legal fact-giving, logic goes out the window,
you resort to allegory,  fear mongering, misdirection, red-herrings, 
and just about anything but logic. You'd be the kind of guy to ask
"have you stopped beating your wife?".


> Where would be Linux or Apache today, if the 
> improvements wouldn't go back to them?

you are "begging the question":
(your premises are at least as questionable as your conclusion)

you imply a "slippery slope" argument:
(saying should one event occur, so will other harmful events. 
 There is no proof made that the harmful events are
 caused by the first event.)

and its a red-herring:
(Linux and Apache are irrelevant to whether or not
 an inherited class is a derived work)

Just in case you're NOT living in the same universe as the rest of us,
Linux and Apache are doing just FINE without Linus et al
invoking the assertion that inheritee classes are derived works.

> the scary scenario is  [snip]

Your fears are unfounded and have no historical evidence.
Open source has done just fine without inheritance being a derived work.
Open source has done just fine without a  license that treats it as such.

> If you feel that the Copyright law should be abolished altogether

of course I don't, you moron.

note: moron here may not be "logical", but your above statement takes
an accusation "You feel that copyright law should be abolished."
and cloaks it in innocence by making it a question, proceeding it
with the word "If". So it ticks me off a bit.

specifically, you didn't say "if SOMEONE feels...". Instead, 
you specifically targeted me "If YOU feel...". 

which was the impetus to reenter the discussion so soon 
after I said I withdraw. 

for your reference, this statement:
> If you feel that the Copyright law should be abolished altogether

1) is a red-herring:

2) is back-handed bifurcation

3) is converting a conditional

and anything but a logical statement.

if you wish to make further backhanded comments, 
leave me out of it.

as long as you can manage that, I'll shut up.


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