Paul Guyot wrote:
> >The idea of applying the license to itself seems
> >a clever one, but is incompatible with allowing
> >modifications to the licensed work.
> I wonder why. Could you please develop, either regarding Draft 1
> (always interesting) or the newer Draft 2?

If modifications are allowed *and* the license applies to 
itself, then each and every user is allowed to modify the
license text...

This would mean I could remove the requirement that your
copyright notice not be deleted, then I could make a
new distribution with the modified license, after
replacing your copyright notice with my own.

Alternatively I might modify the license so, that it
allows me to create a proprietary package from your
code, then distribute that with my modifications
without releasing that code as open source. All
taking and no giving.

All in all: a modifiable license amounts to no
license at all - it allows the recipient to do
anything he/she wishes. If that is your intention,
then why bother about the license? It would
be easier to release it as public domain software.

Regards, Abe.
Abe F. Kornelis, B.V. Bixoft
Het Jaagpad 63, 3461 HA Linschoten
The Netherlands
phone: +31-6-22755401

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