On Friday 16 November 2001 07:04 am, Humphreys, Noel wrote:

> David, you're saying that, fundamentally, open-source licensing simply
> doesn't work under US law.  I don't understand why you think that you can
> get a judge to declare that you may simply disregard the license.  Would
> you please explain why you think that?  How did you reach a conclusion like
> that?

As long as I obey the law with regards to copyright, then it is impossible 
for me to violate the GPL. Thus I am safe in not agreeing to it.

And my example was not to get a judge to declare that I can disregard the 
license, but only to declare that I have not agreed to it. This is a big 
difference. If I am not under contract, then I can disregard it all day long 
with no repercussions. Okay, political ideology time, so stop reading if this 
sort of stuff offends you: contracts must be agreed to by both sides or they 
are invalid. This is the foundation of much of civilization. The current 
legal climate that allows licenses to unilaterally declare that an agreement 
is in place is anti-civilization.

David Johnson
pgp public key on website
license-discuss archive is at http://crynwr.com/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi?3

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