> I'll note that a number of us probably never visited the site, in
> particular as its significance wasn't clear at the time of the
> announcement (and also probably speaking to the inherent problems of
> web-based fora).
> The IP is still active, though last I checked it had little other than a
> piquant note to the user.
> Peace.

Yeah.  I moved that test-forums server to http://open5ource.net

That's my partner Jay's machine on the IP now.  He has a 
strange sense of humour sometimes.
Please ignore.  8^)
Steve Mallett | Stable, Open-Source Apps 
http://OpenSourceDirectory.org | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project-Listing Maintenance In A Can: http://trovesendtwo.sf.net

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Aug 15th/01,
I have nothing to do with license approval.)

"Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good."
        -- Mohandas Gandhi

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