Phil Lotane writes:
 > Thanks for your note.  Attached is the ArsDigita Public License in html
 > format.  Please let me know if you need anything else.  We eagerly await the
 > OSI's decision.  We are willing to have the license posted to the
 > license-discuss list with identification.  See the text of my original
 > e-mail below in this string.  Thanks very much.
 > -- Phil Lotane

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> 
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<div align=center><h1>ArsDigita Public License</h1>
<h3>Version 1.0</h3> </div align>
The ArsDigita Public License, Version 1.0 ("ADPL," or the "License") consists of the 
Mozilla Public License, Version 1.1 and the following Amendments, including Exhibit A 
- ArsDigita Public License.  Files identified with "Exhibit A - ArsDigita Public 
License" are governed by the ArsDigita Public License, Version 1.0. <br>
The ArsDigita Public License, Version 1.0, Copyright 2001 ArsDigita Corporation.  All 
rights reserved.<br>
WHEREAS, ArsDigita seeks to promote the widespread use of its software and third-party 
derivatives to support solutions for improving the operation of a wide variety of 
WHEREAS, ArsDigita seeks to promote contributions of both improvements and extensions 
to its software for its continued improvement; and<br>
WHEREAS, ArsDigita seeks to promote its own business interests, in part so that it is 
able to sustain the high level of investment required to keep its software competitive 
and continue to distribute its software under an "open-source" model;<br>
NOW THEREFORE; the following are additional terms applicable to the ArsDigita Public 
License. <br>
I.  <strong>ArsDigita name and logo.</strong>
<ul>(a) Except as required by the Acknowledgement section below, this license does not 
grant any rights to use the trademark "ArsDigita," the ArsDigita logo or the terms 
"ArsDigita Community System,""ACS," or "ArsDigita Corporation," even if such marks are 
included in the Original Code.  Use of any of these names or logos to promote or 
endorse products derived from this software requires prior written consent.  To 
request written permission, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] <br><br>
(b)  Except as required by the Acknowledgement section below, products derived from 
this software may not be called "ArsDigita Community System" or "ACS" and such names 
may not appear in the name of any such derived product without prior written 
permission of ArsDigita.  To request written permission, contact 
II.  <strong>Acknowledgement</strong>
<ul>All advertising or promotional materials, download pages, documentation, and/or 
physical media mentioning features or use of this software, and any redistributions in 
whatever form, must display the following acknoledgement in a reasonably prominent 
location: "This product includes software developed by ArsDigita Corporation for use 
in the ArsDigita Community System (ACS) (<a 
III.  <strong>Governing law.</strong>
<ul>This License shall be governed by Massachusetts law provisions (except to the 
extent applicable law, if any, provides otherwise), excluding its conflicts-of-law 
provisions.  With respect to disputes in which at least one party is a citizen of, or 
an entity chartered or registered to do business in the United States of America, any 
litigation relating to this License shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts 
of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, with venue lying in Boston, Massachusetts, and 
the losing party shall be responsible for costs, including without limitation, court 
costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses.</ul><br>
<strong>EXHIBIT A - ArsDigita Public License.</strong><br>
<ul>The contents of this file are subject to the ArsDigita Public License, Version 1.0 
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You 
may obtain a copy of the License at <a 
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT 
WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the specific 
language governing rights and limitations under the License.<br>
The Original Code is ArsDigita ACS 4.6 client code, released July 31, 2001.<br>
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ArsDigita Corporation.  Portions created 
by ArsDigita are Copyright 1999-2001 ArsDigita Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.<br>

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