On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 10:36:55 +0100
"De Bug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Where are the teeth? In my reading, the essence of the interesting
> >part of clause 2(d) is
> >      "must offer an ... opportunity ... to request
> >       immediate transmission ... of the complete source code."
> >
> >I find it _extremely_ odd that it does not compel transmission.
> >(Other GPL terms are clear that you must supply source code. This
> >clause is different.  Why?)
> >
> "you must supply source code" clause is important because 
> it garantees FREE competition from the top to the very bottom
> The same must be applied to services on servers.
> The idea should be to allow users to set up the identical services
> by themselves

Thanks for this comment. I have cc'd fsf to review it.



Henri Poole - Mobile: 415 810 6804 - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Salus populi suprema est lex." - Cicero

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