Is it just summertime, and people are outside enjoying themselves?
Are these licenses obviously open source?  It would be helpful if
someone other than myself would say so.

Since its just you and me working, I'll offer a random opinion to make you feel less alone. :-) cgi?3:mss:6923:200306:adcbobdimckahfihhlcg

I had a little trouble following all the brackets. Does their definition of "Downstream Distribution" (1b), (3a) still allow "mere aggregation", since it specifies "contains" in addition to "depends on"?

I'm also a little confused by (3b). Isn't fair market value usually determined by what people are willing to pay? Or are they reserving for themselves the right to determine if there is a market inefficiency creating non-equilibrium conditions? cgi?3:mss:6976:200306:odefmgncbfagijaemlbg

If Larry can't create an obviously Open Source license, then we're all in trouble!

None of the changes seem to affect OSD compliance in any way I can see.

Hope everyone else is enjoying their summer vacation. :-)

-- Ernie P.

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