Hi there,

Is there an OSI approved license that does not require that the
original license be included even in trivial redistributions, and does
not require reproduction of any copyright, attribution, and other
notices that may be present in the original work?

I would like to release my work without any restrictions whatsoever. I
would consider a simple public domain dedication, but I wish to also
include other non-restrictive features in the license such as a
limitation of liability clause, a disclaimer of warranty, default
licensing for contributions as in section 5 of Apache 2.0, and patent
provisions as in section 3 of Apache 2.0.

My ideal license would be Apache 2.0, but with the sub-clauses in the
redistribution section removed. I could take those out of Apache 2.0
and rename it, but I am not a lawyer, and would like to avoid creating
a new license if an existing one will do.

Thanks a bunch!

Casey Rodarmor
License-discuss mailing list

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