On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com> wrote:
>> And who does OSI suggest that any of us listen to on an important FOSS
>> combination/project like this one?

Are you suggesting OSI should give legal advice, Larry? :)

The advice I have given clients in the past is to listen to the
copyright holders. However, in cases where there is a large diversity
of copyright holders for some reason (e.g., Linux kernel, many major
web rendering engines), or where the exact set of copyright holders is
not known (e.g., you're setting organization-wide policy for an
unknown set of future projects) then treat the license author as a
proxy for the views of the copyright holders, as some fraction of the
copyright holders will likely follow the interpretation of the license
authors. Obviously this is a fact-specific issue, though; consult with
your own lawyer. :)

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