[Please forgive cross-posting, and please forward to other interested


Dear Friends and Colleagues,


I invite you to join a distinguished group of speakers at PLI's Open Source
and Free Software 2013  continuing education program for attorneys, live in
San Francisco and on the web on December 11, 2013. Below is this year's


This year's program includes returning speakers who will give a new gloss to
emerging issues in this field, as well as new speakers who will give our
program a wider international and interdisciplinary emphasis. You may
recognize below the names of some of our colleagues from various FOSS
discussions lists who share their expertise regularly online. 


You can find out more and register at
its/_/N-4kZ1z12ol1?ID=159198> . 


This is the fifth year that I have participated in this continuing education
program for attorneys and I expect it to be the best. Please join us. 


Best regards, /Larry


************* SCHEDULE FOR 12/11 in SF and on the web:

Open Source and Free Software 2013 - December 11, 2013 in San Francisco (and

9:00 - 9:10 Introduction to the Program 
Lawrence Rosen (Rosenlaw & Einschlag)  

9:10 - 9:30 Setting the Stage: An Introduction to "FOSS" and Copyright

Jim Jagielski (Apache Software Foundation and Red Hat) 

9:30 - 10:15 Open Source Software and its Licenses 

[Which license should people use?]

Gabriel Holloway (Leonard Street) 

Marc Visnick (Johnson-Laird) 

10:15 - 11:15 License Enforcement and Avoiding Litigation 

[What companies are doing to practice and participate in safe open source]
Daniel Berlin (Google) 

Amanda Brock (Origin Ltd.) 


11:15 Break 

11:30 - 12:30 Effective Business Practices in the Open Source Cloud 

[What's new in the mobile/cloud/networking/etc. software fields] 

Adam Cohn (Cisco) 

Mitch Segal (HP) 

12:30 Lunch 

1:30 - 2:30 Ethics: Conflict and Cooperation in Open Source Projects 

[A scenario involving (and resolving!) ethical dilemmas - 1 hour ethics CLE

Gwyn Murray (Matau Legal Group) 

Harrison ("Buzz") Frahn (Simpson Thacher) 

2:30 - 3:30 Royalty-Free Patents and Open Standards in Open Source Software 

[A complex topic with enormous economic ramifications for the software
Duane Valz (Google) 

Geoffrey Creighton (Microsoft) 

3:30 Break 

3:45 - 4:45 Hot Topics: Critical Issues and Important Cases in FOSS 

[A challenging summary of what's hot]
Heather Meeker (Greenberg Traurig) 

Luis Villa (Wikimedia Foundation) 

Jeff Luszcz (Palamida) 

Pamela Chestek (Chestek Legal)

Lawrence Rosen (Rosenlaw & Einschlag) 

4:45 - 5:00 Q&A 

[final questions, although each panel also has Q&A time earlier]



Lawrence Rosen

Rosenlaw & Einschlag, a technology law firm ( <http://www.rosenlaw.com/>

3001 King Ranch Rd., Ukiah, CA 95482

Office: 707-485-1242

Linkedin profile:  <http://linkd.in/XXpHyu> http://linkd.in/XXpHyu 


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