Nigel Tzeng wrote:

And everyone makes mistakes ISO 9001 or not.  The key is to minimize avoidable 
errors through policy/procedures, training and selective use of 3rd party 
libraries and licenses.  Apache products are generally considered safe(r) and 
require less oversight in terms of copyright issues.   A policy change at 
Apache to make this less true is probably not desired by many of its users.


End-users need never worry about risk from legitimate FOSS software. The use of 
FOSS software -- including the right to make copies and create derivative works 
for personal use -- is always available by license. This is true for all FOSS 
and Creative Commons works. See OSD.


Nor is there risk from redistributing mere aggregates of legitimate FOSS 
software, although attribution and other license conditions may apply to that 
distribution. See most OSI-approved licenses and OSD #1. Let me simplify: If 
you merely redistribute Apache software without creating a derivative work, it 
should be sufficient protection to republish Apache's original NOTICE file with 
your own aggregate. That's easy.


Increased risk comes when distributing derivative works. And that risk comes 
from not honoring the conditions of the FOSS license(s) placed on the original 
work(s) by its author(s). Your derivative works are not documented in Apache's 
NOTICE file. You may have your own FOSS license conditions to honor for your 
own derivative works. Almost all FOSS licenses, including ALv2 itself in 
section 4, contain license conditions that apply to your own derivative works. 
Read Apache's NOTICE file for such FOSS license notices and consult your own 
attorney first. 


Each distributor must implement its own ISO 9001 or similar rules. Apache 
projects do not have such "manufacturing" documentation policies. While each 
Apache project is responsible for documenting all third party contributions 
that it distributes (source or binary), all Apache software is distributed on 


A safe policy for all distributors is never to distribute any FOSS software 
without understanding its licenses. Do not "accidentally" create a derivative 
work by pretending that a binary is safer to modify than source code, or by 
sloppily merging MPLv2 and EPL and Apache software without first reading the 
NOTICE file and the source code itself.


This is not difficult. Just don't expect that Apache projects do that for you. 


And none of this risk is reduced by Apache's current Category "B" license list. 
All FOSS licenses from reputable FOSS foundations act generally the same way 
despite the internal license preference (ALv2, MPLv2, EPL, CC-BY, even GPL, 
etc.) of the project that first distributed that valuable free software. 


Nigel wrote:
> Or do you believe members of this mailing list are unaware of the advantages 
> and

> disadvantages of the different types of open source licenses?


Everyone on this list has philosophical biases for their own copyrighted FOSS 
works. Me too. You too. So what? That doesn't affect risk at all.




My words are CC-BY. I do not speak for Apache Software Foundation.



-----Original Message-----
From: Tzeng, Nigel H. [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: [License-discuss] Category "B" licenses at Apache


On 8/26/15, 3:14 AM, "License-discuss on behalf of David Woolley"

<> on behalf of> wrote:



>On 26/08/15 01:45, Tzeng, Nigel H. wrote:

>> Larry,


>> Scenario A:   I¹m looking for an example in my codebase on how to do Foo

>> (of course) and I find a code snippet to do roughly what I want.  I 

>> cut and paste it into where I need it, modify it slightly and move on.

>>   Developers do this all the time.


>The purpose of open source is to allow them to do this legally.  Coders 

>who do this all the time on published code that doesn't have an open 

>source type licence are continually infringing copyright.


>One of the main reasons for the GPL is to ensure a large pool of code 

>that cane be re-used and re-purposed, whilst, at the same time ensuring 

>that the resulting code goes back into the pool.


Which is great except we are discussing Apache policy and not GPL.  The point 
is that once you do this your code is now potentially subject to the terms of 
the weak copyleft Category B license without you being aware of this.


I believe this is the reason that Apache explicitly does not include source 
with their Category B components.


>> Scenario B:  I am debugging some code and find a spot where an if 

>> test should be <= bar rather than < bar.  I fix it while inside the 

>> debugger


>That change is going to have insufficient creative content to have any 

>copyright associated with it.  So all you have demonstrated there is 

>that your organisation's configuration control procedures are broken 

>and their ISO 9000 status may need revoking.  In any case, typical 

>copyleft licences permit the use of modified versions within an organisation.


I think most folks will understand that if the example above is insufficient to 
trigger copyright the point is still clear.  At some point a (more significant) 
change could result in an unintentional violation if the source code is present.


And everyone makes mistakes ISO 9001 or not.  The key is too minimize avoidable 
errors through policy/procedures, training and selective use of 3rd party 
libraries and licenses.  Apache products are generally considered safe(r) and 
require less oversight in terms of copyright

issues.   A policy change at Apache to make this less true is probably not

desired by many of its users.


Thank you for your concern regarding our AS9100/ISO 9001:2000 status.

While I am speaking only as an individual on this list and not as a 
representative of our organization, we do review our software development 
practices quite often to identify weaknesses and areas to improve.

Certification is less important to us than quality development practices.


Perhaps it should be general policy or a best practice suggestion not to 
include weak copyright source code in projects but only the compiled binaries 
even if it makes development and debugging slightly more annoying.  I may 
suggest this after thinking about it more or put it up for discussion on our 
internal software development list.


Despite my disagreement with Larry the risks ARE relatively low so perhaps 
sufficient training/awareness will be sufficient.  But our situation is 
different than that of Apache.


>> without realizing that it was in the Category B module.  Since I¹m 

>> modifying the Apache product quite a bit anyway was not immediately 

>> obvious that when I checked my changes into the local repo for the 

>> Apache product that I made a change in the Category B module.  Maybe 

>> I simply never knew or had forgotten that I had to be aware there was 

>> a category B module.


>I believe another intent of the GPL Is that people should be able to 

>debug and repair the code that they possess.


And this would be great if the discussion was about GPL but not everyone wants 
to use GPL, hence Apache.


Was the title or topic somehow unclear?  Or do you believe members of this 
mailing list are unaware of the advantages and disadvantages of the different 
types of open source licenses?







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