
You may also want to look at <> as 
it’s a site that tries to simplify license understanding.  Of course, still pay 
attention to the full text of any license you work with and seek legal 
consultation as warranted, but maybe a useful resource for getting a handle on 
the terminology and differences.

I suggest going down the list of “MOST POPULAR” licenses first, as they are 
very well-understood and in prevalent use.  


> On Dec 1, 2016, at 4:57 AM, FREJAVILLE Etienne 
> <> wrote:
> Thank you for the link below that I had searched without success.
> Moreover this discussion helped me better understand the terminology (still 
> lightly ambiguous, but after all it’s the problem with natural language, no ? 
> ;-))
> I see that it can become very tricky with some licences and particular 
> technologies..
> I think the best is to start with licences that are clearly permissive for 
> our situation, and have our legal department keep an eye on that. They’ll 
> decide what to do for other situations more subtle.
> Best regards.
> Etienne
> De : License-discuss [ 
> <>] De la part de Radcliffe, Mark
> Envoyé : mardi 29 novembre 2016 19:36
> À : <>
> Objet : Re: [License-discuss] Using opensource in a company not in the 
> software business
> And being compliant is the right thing to do.
> From: License-discuss [ 
> <>] On Behalf Of Ben Tilly
> Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 10:32 AM
> To: License Discuss
> Subject: Re: [License-discuss] Using opensource in a company not in the 
> software business
> If you host the software on a server and they hit that API, this does not 
> count as distribution.  But there are licenses, such as the AGPL, that will 
> still cause you problems there.
> The exact definition of when linking creates a derivative work has not to my 
> non-lawyerly knowledge been litigated.  Many lawyers think that the GPL FAQ 
> is overly optimistic about how much power the license will have if litigated. 
>  On the other hand staying within its suggestions greatly limits the odds of 
> problems down the road.
> In general each open source license aims to allay some fear that the author 
> of the software had.  Some, like the MIT and Apache licenses, protect the 
> authors and otherwise make it easy to use the code as you see fit.  Others, 
> like the GPL, avoid having someone build something cool on your software 
> while refusing to let you see/build on that.
> It is likely easiest for you to start with 
> <>,
>  decide where your comfort level is, and try to only use software on one side 
> of that.  That's a lot easier than staying careful about exactly how you use 
> each piece of software.
> Alternately you can decide that you are not in the software business after 
> all, give away all distributed software with source, and charge for access to 
> a service that you maintain.  (And avoid the AGPL!)
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 12:27 AM, FREJAVILLE Etienne 
> < <>> wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you for the answers. It seems that we are concerned even though we 
> don't sell the software provided to the customer.
> Apparently, the fact that the customer uses the software from the outside of 
> the company counts as a 'distribution'.
> I may submit that topic to our lawyers, but before I have more precise 
> questions related, concerning particular uses of licences, to be sure I 
> understand them correctly.
> And I agree not to trust 'as is' answers from a mailing list, but it's a good 
> start!
> It seems that Apache, BSD, MIT... licences do not cause particular problems 
> in our context (and in general).
> Concerning GPL, I have found in the GPL's FAQ that:
> "The community expects that all code linked to GPL code will be licensed 
> under the GPL, even if the link is made at runtime using a shared library"
> Does it means that in that case we should release publicly under the GPL 
> licence any of our source code that use the open source libraries ?
> If true, does indirect usages are also concerned ? Libraries that call 
> libraries that call open source libraries will also have to be licenced under 
> the GPL licence ?
> Concerning LGPL, knowing that the user cannot modify our code as it's 
> proprietary, I understand that using Java libraries for example is not 
> possible as he must be able to
> (§ 4 of the LGPL V3 : ) "...  recombine or relink the Application with a 
> modified version of the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work".
> But using Opensource javascript LGPL library without providing source code 
> should be possible if I understand well.
> Indeed, if the code using the opensource uses it as a reference to a library 
> on a distant domain, the user can get the benefits of the latest version of 
> the library used by our code if he wants.
> E.g , if displaydate.js is an open source library released under the LPGP 
> licence, in our code:
> <script src="displaydate.js" type="text/javascript">
> </script>
> would be an incorrect usage, whereas:
> <script src=" 
> <>">
> </script>
> would be a correct usage.
> Is it correct ?
> Thank you.
> Cordialement, Best regards.
> Etienne
> De : License-discuss [ 
> <>] De la part de Radcliffe, Mark
> Envoyé : lundi 28 novembre 2016 22:55
> À : <>
> Cc : <>
> Objet : Re: [License-discuss] Using opensource in a company not in the 
> software business
> I agree with Ben.  Lawyers with open source experience will dramatically 
> decrease your costs.  You should also consider consulting Heather Meeker’s 
> book: 
> <>
> From: License-discuss [ 
> <>] On Behalf Of Ben Tilly
> Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 11:44 AM
> To: License Discuss
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re: [License-discuss] Using opensource in a company not in the 
> software business
> Nigel's list is biased towards paranoia.  Paranoia is a healthy default  But 
> it is OK, for example, to ship useful standalone GPL tools to customers in a 
> zip file that happens to also contain proprietary code of yours that does not 
> use those tools.
> As always, if in doubt you should consult a lawyer and the license.  And 
> don't rely on opinions from a mailing list.
> One final note, I would recommend that it may be worth your while to find a 
> lawyer with open source experience, and not just familiarity with 
> intellectual property.  Open source licenses are somewhat unusual, and there 
> are common misunderstandings around, for instance, how the GPL works that a 
> general lawyer is likely to spend time working through the first time.  (Is 
> this a contract?  Does it apply if it is not a contract?)  While lawyers are 
> generally happy to research things on your dime, this is not always an 
> efficient use of your money...
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Tzeng, Nigel H. < 
> <>> wrote:
> Cindy advice is best but the quick and dirty answer for you given the two 
> things you stated:
> We do not modify or enhance the open source code of the used libraries.
> At last, our code must be kept as proprietary and we don’t consider providing 
> the source code using the opens source libraries.
> Good:  Apache, BSD, MIT and other permissively licensed open source code. 
> Maybe Good:  LGPL, MPL and weak copyleft licensed open source code.
> Not Good:  GPL and any strong copyleft licensed open source code.
> Review your code base and anything that used GPL source code in an 
> Android/iOS app or Windows/MacOS/Linux program is an issue.  On your internal 
> server if you used any AGPL code it may be an issue.
> Your normal lawyer should be able to find you an IP lawyer but you might as 
> well start going over your code base.
> Regards,
> Nigel
> From: License-discuss < 
> <>> on behalf of Cinly Ooi 
> < <>>
> Reply-To: " <>" < 
> <>>, License Discuss < 
> <>>
> Date: Monday, November 28, 2016 at 7:51 AM
> To: License Discuss < 
> <>>
> Subject: Re: [License-discuss] Using opensource in a company not in the 
> software business
> You _are_ in the software business.
> The correct person to evaluate your case is your lawyer.
> As Woolley said, regardless of which the license of the software you choose 
> uses, you still have responsibility under open source license, and your 
> customers have expectations as provided for by the license. 
> It is the same whether it is open source license or close source license
> Your lawyer will look at each license you need to use and apply it to see 
> whether it meets your business objective.
> Another good place to start is to see is there any local people who can talk 
> you through it for the price of a coffee. However, your lawyer has the final 
> say.
> Best Regards,
> Cinly
> *****
> “There should not be an over-emphasis on what computers tell you, because 
> they only tell you what you tell them to tell you,” -- Joe Sutter, Boeing 747 
> Chief Engineer.
> On 28 November 2016 at 10:23, FREJAVILLE Etienne 
> < <>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm sorry for asking a question that has probably been answered in the past, 
> but I couldn't find a clear and precise answer on the subject on your website 
> or any web resource.
> We are a private company and we wonder how to deal with developments using 
> open source.
> First of all we are not a software company, and therefore we just provide 
> software applications to our customers, so that they can use our services/buy 
> our products.
> We develop with code that may use opensource, both:
> - 1. Pure internal software
> - 2. Software for our customers provided as Web applications (that obviously 
> interacts with a part of our internal software).
> - 3. Software for our customers provided as mobile applications (IOS&Android 
> apps) that interacts with a part of our internal software.
> The usage we make of opensource, is either use the opensource products as 
> standalone products (e.g Maven, Kados..), or use them ‘as is’ as libraries 
> (most java or javascript) (e.g POI, jQuery...).
> We do not modify or enhance the open source code of the used libraries.
> At last, our code must be kept as proprietary and we don’t consider providing 
> the source code using the opens source libraries.
> I have read quite a few pages on the 
> <>
>  website, the FAQ and other external papers, but it seems that the licences 
> discussions and restrictions, concern most of the time the usage of the open 
> source in commercial products, or concern the distribution of open sources 
> modifications.
> First of all, I would like to know if a software provided to our customers in 
> our case, is considered in the open source terminology as a 'customer 
> product'.
> Second, I would like to understand what 'distribution' stands for. Is 
> distributing a web application or mobile application considered 
> 'distribution' ?
> We provide some binary code that may contain usages of open source libraries, 
> to some of our subsidiaries. Is it also considered as 'distribution' ?
> The idea behind these questions is to know if in fact we have to care about 
> using Open source software or not in our situation..
> If indeed we provide a commercial product and we are considering distributing 
> software that may require the usage of opensource libraries for being able to 
> work, indeed, I guess we are concerned by Open source usage.
> If it's the case, I will have more precise questions regarding the usage we 
> make of these libraries, to understand what licences we may use and what we 
> may not.
> Thank you.
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