On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 05:32:11PM +0200, Erik Johansson wrote:
> The following command renames CICQDaemon to CLicqDaemon and ICQUser to 
> CLicqUser. Just run it in your checked out licq directory to do the renames 
> for the licq daemon and all plugins.
> find . \( -type f ! -wholename '*\.svn/*' \) -print | while read file ; do 
> sed -e 's/CICQDaemon/CLicqDaemon/g' $file | sed -e 's/ICQUser/CLicqUser/g' - 
> > $file.new; mv -f $file.new $file; done 

Thanks, I used this command against the daemon. I will use it against
the plugins later.

> I have built both the daemon and qt-gui after the rename and they work. But I 
> had to remove AC_CHECK_BOOST in configure.in, otherwise make -f Makefile.cvs 
> failed with:
> onfigure.in:88: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_CHECK_BOOST
>       If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
>       See the Autoconf documentation.

I fixed an issue where the trunk/admin directory was being checked out.
Please run svn update and it should get the branches/newapi/admin
instead. If not, you will need to re-checkout the newapi branch.

But, with the changes in SVN now, I doubt you will get it to compile.
It's in the process of being pieced together, so there will be a time
period where it won't work or compile.


Jon Keating                ICQ: 16325723
http://www.licq.org        GPG: 2290A71F
http://www.thejon.org      HOME: Minamiashigara, Japan

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