On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 06:17:18PM +0200, QnD [Joachim Staib] wrote:
> 1. I really don't think that it is a good idea to put the whole source with
> renamed classes/structs into the new branch folder. I thought the plan was,
> among others, to get rid of all this old source which isn't used anymore and
> to be able to "command" the source again. this is no step in this direction,
> because the old problem of ... crawling through the source is still present.
> I'd prefer a complete new base where old stuff that is needed can be copied
> to.

Redesigning by throwing the old code out often leads to failure. There
is a reason why the code is bulky.. it does complicated things. If we
are to redesign, we have to see what the old code does and find ways to
improve on it, not redoing everything from scratch. If we do that, we
will spend so much time and in the end we should be considered lucky if
the code works as expected (ie, current code). As we work on improving
it, we will delete code, move code around, but I think it is best to
see what changes are being down so it is easy to find any unwanted side

> 2. I read that meetings are now every tuesday night. This would be
> _generally_ possible for me, although it makes things much harder for me to
> participate on the meetings. If there is no other possibility I'd like to
> have the meetings at 1330 GMT+1 (dunno which time this is for you now :]).
> Is that possible?

Well, Wednesday nights don't give me a lot of time to participate, so
Tuesday nights can be more productive for me. I'm open to changing it
from 11:00 UTC to 12:30 UTC if it works better.

> 3. I know - one after the other - but are there any plans yet according the
> GUI interface yet? If not I'd like to start working on some ideas ...

We had a little discussion last night about some ideas for how to
implement the GUI Plugin API. I will be posting the log in a few hours.
Other than that, we are open for ideas as always.


Jon Keating                ICQ: 16325723
http://www.licq.org        GPG: 2290A71F
http://www.thejon.org      HOME: Minamiashigara, Japan

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