QnD [Joachim Staib] wrote:
This info is passed to the "renderer", the engine which either renders the
XML stuff to QT or GTK or HTML or so.

And then one wonders how licq can be one of the top memory eaters on
one's desktop system. But that is even without abstractions of
abstractions of abstractions.

IMHO an ICQ client is not a place where an own XML language is needed
for GUI definition. XUL anyone? It took the Mozilla guys years till this
stuff really worked, and it's still an alien in the system. For a
relatively simple application like licq, it may not be worth the trouble
and work. Sometimes simple and direct solutions work better than complex
generalized ones. A developer knowing qt can simply improve the current
qt-gui without first having to learn yet another GUI definition language
and work around special cases that are not handled well in that language
but would be just a few lines of code in a general purpose programming
language like C++.

licq may not have a GUI that has all the features and looks about the
same on every output medium (like qt, gtk, HTML or console). But on the
other hand it's easy to handle the special requirements of that medium.
There are things you just cannot do in HTML, which are pretty normal in
a GUI application. So would the renderer just silently drop them and
maybe make that function completely unusable? Or would one just not be
able to use them in any GUI?

Specialized things are not as sexy to programmers as general
one-size-fits-all solutions. But they often just work better in reality.
Learned that the hard way myself and want to spare others the pain.

That's my few cents on this,

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