On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 23:28:50 +0100
"Darren Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is it me or is this not straight forward?  I guess not as it's not in
> the FAQ.
> A standard firewall generally denies all traffic by default, right?
> So in order to enable functionality, what ports and hosts does licq use?

Ah... now we start getting to the core of the problem.  A different
perception of "standard firewall".  I will admit you have the correct
technical definition of a firewall.  However, from your own subject line
you indicate "iptables".  With iptables it is quite common to use the
stateful connection tracking to allow response packets to existing
established connections.  Additionally, many implimentations of an
iptables based firewalls that are providing NAT'ing server are intended to
be transparent (as much as possible anyway) to the users they protect and

With the above to conditions met, there is nothing additional that is
needed for Licq to work.  I run an iptables based firewall in several
locations based on my own firewall script.  There have been no special
allowances made for Licq (or any icq clients for that matter) and they all
happily work.

> ps Jamin, no need to post message to list if it's only intended for
>    me.

If it's sent to the list, then it's in the archives.  Then the next person
that looks for it can find it.

Jamin W. Collins


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