Brishen Viaud wrote:
> Hi.
> I have been running licq for quite a few months now (1.2.0a, on a
> slackware 8.0 system). It seemed to crash every few days, but I would
> just kill the processes and start it up again. Today when it crashed, I
> wasn't able to get it to start up again. I tried getting rid of the .licq
> directory but it didn't help matters.
> I decided to install a new version in case some how files had been
> corrupted (I was getting no error messages from kde and it just wouldn't
> start from bash). I grabbed the latest from the CVS today and compiled
> it, as well as compiling the console and the qt-gui with-kde.
> Now I am having no problems running licq using the console, everything
> seems to work just fine. But when trying to start it up with kde-gui it
> will load for a short time, and then crash out giving the error message
> that it caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
> Starting from bash (licq -p kde-gui) I get:
> KCrash: crashing.... crashRecursionCounter = 2
> KCrash: Application Name = licq path = <unknown> pid = 23775
> Any thoughts?


you propably configured withouth the --with-kde switch. In this case you
only rebuilded the qt-gui plugin, having the old kde-gui plugin laying
around (which is incompatible with your new version of licq).

try if calling "licq -p qt-gui" on console helps.
If this works for you, then you might want to recompile the gui plugin
and pass the --with-kde switch to the configure script:

cd plugins/qt-gui
rm config.cache (just in case)
./configure --with-kde
su -c 'make install'

then call "licq -p kde-gui" and see if it works again.
If this does not help, we need a better description of the error.


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