On Monday 24 February 2003 20:19, Damjan Bole wrote:
> Recently I've discovered way I can crash my system real bad by selecting
> user's View history option in Licq 1.2.4 window and randomly selecting some
> text. Sometimes it happens after selecting only few words, sometimes it
> takes longer. Anyway Xwindows freeze and hog cpu at 100%. Killing X process
> from ssh session on lan machine renders my system dead. Ssh session is
> dead, no ping, not responding. Hard reset sorts things out. I don't know if
> this is licq, kernel or hardware bug. I haven't experienced any crash
> before on my kt7a+TB-900, cpuburn was running stable for hours. Any
> suggestions how can I debug this? Is it possible gcc 3.2.1 has some issues
> with qt compiling?
What version of QT are you using? I remember problems like that from some time 
ago (QT version at least < 2.3.2). It only happened while "Klipper" was also 
running, though. Maybe you should try updating QT.


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