On Wednesday 02 April 2003 20:10, Peter Schnitzler wrote:
> Hello!
> i used licq and everything was ok. Yesterday i tried to start it but i get
> the following error message:
> "
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] peter]$ licq
> 19:26:26: [WRN] Licq: Ignoring stale lockfile (pid 2986)
> 19:26:26: [ERR] IniFile: Warning, failed to find section.
>                 File    = /home/peter/.licq/users.conf
>                 Section = [users]
> 19:26:26: [ERR] IniFile: Fatal error, terminating program.
> "
> I deinstalled the rpm package and installed it again but it didn't solve
> the problem. If i loog in as the "root" i don't get the error message.
> i hope somebody knows a method to solve the problem.


your users.conf file seems to be broken.
Please look into /home/peter/.licq/users.conf if there is a section [users], 
if it is, then please check permissions of this file.

The file should look like this:

NumOfUsers = 4
User1 = 12345678
User2 = 98765432
User3 = 66473829
User4 = 12345679


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